The apostle Peter, while thinking about the vision he had seen, was told by the Holy Spirit, “Three men are searching for you,” (Acts 10:19b). Peter did not know that the men were there. He had no way of knowing that they were outside the gate; he knew it only when the Spirit of God told him. That was a supernatural revelation, a Word of Knowledge.

This gift helps us to win over those who are lost and strengthen believers. It allows believers to understand the present situation. When the prophet Elijah felt disheartened and thought the enemy had overtaken the people, God reassured him. God told Elijah, “Yet I will leave seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him,” (1 Kings 19:14-19). Elijah thought he was the only faithful one left, and he felt understandably distraught. But God informed him that there were seven thousand others, which strengthened Elijah’s disheartened mind.
Exposing Sin
In 2 Kings Chapter 5, the Word of Knowledge exposed sin in a trainee’s life. Gehazi stood before Elisha, who asked, “Where have you been, Gehazi?” Gehazi lied, saying he had not gone anywhere. But Elisha responded, “Did I not go with you in spirit when someone left his chariot to meet you? Is this a time to accept money and to accept clothing, olive orchards and vineyards, sheep and oxen, and male and female slaves?” (2 Kings 5:25-26).
Knowing the Plans of the Enemy

The Word of Knowledge helps us know the plans of the enemy. Each time the nation of Syria planned to ambush Israel, Elisha revealed these plans to the king of Israel. The king of Syria got confounded and suspected one of his own men of spying for Israel. He called a meeting, saying, “Now tell me who among us sides with the king of Israel?” One of his officers replied, “No one, my lord king. It is Elisha, the prophet in Israel, who tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedchamber,” (2 Kings 6:11-13). The prophet couldn’t have known the enemy’s plans, humanly speaking. The enemy’s plans were revealed to him supernaturally through the Word of Knowledge.
Revealing Hearts and Conditions
The Word of Knowledge helps us understand the condition of people’s hearts. Sometimes, when we talk to people or pray with them, the Word of Knowledge manifests. When a woman came to the man of God at the mountain, she caught hold of his feet. Gehazi tried to push her away, but the man of God said, “Let her alone, for she is in bitter distress, the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me,” (2 Kings 4:27).
Revealing Names and Addresses
The Holy Spirit reveals the names of people through this gift. Jesus brought Simon to Him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You are to be called Cephas’ (which is translated Peter),” (John 1:42). When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, He said, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” Zacchaeus hurried down and welcomed Him happily (Luke 19:5-6). The Holy Spirit even reveals people’s addresses through this gift. In Acts, God instructs Peter to send men to Joppa for a certain Simon who is called Peter. Peter is lodging with Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the seaside (Acts 10:5-6).
Perceiving Thoughts

Knowing the thoughts of others is the work of the Holy Spirit’s gift of the Word of Knowledge. Jesus perceived the thoughts of people several times. “But Jesus, perceiving their thoughts, said, …,” (Matthew 9:4). “If all prophesy, an unbeliever or outsider who enters is reproved by all and called to account by all. After the secrets of the unbeliever’s heart are disclosed, that person will bow down before God and worship him, declaring, ‘God is really among you,'” (1 Corinthians 14:24-25). “At once Jesus perceived in his spirit that they were discussing these questions among themselves; and he said to them, ‘Why do you raise such questions in your hearts?'” (Mark 2:8).
Manifestations of the Word of Knowledge
The Word of Knowledge can activate anytime, anywhere—when we are alone with God, among people, at a job or business, while walking on the road, driving, or washing dishes. Sometimes words of knowledge can be puzzling; they come in various ways at various times for several people. The Word of Knowledge manifests through the audible voice (you can hear them), thoughts (you can think them), body sensations (you can feel them), sanctified imaginations, visions (you can see them), dreams, the Holy Bible, the still voice of the Holy Spirit, emotions (you can sense them), Nature, physical signs, angels, others, prophecy, and the gift of tongues and interpretation (you can say them).
Practical Experiences
My wife, Amala, often ‘says’ the Word of Knowledge. She shared with me how she receives these words. She said, “Many times, I do not see nor hear, I say it. It just comes out of my mouth without!” The Spirit works in this direction, and those Words of Knowledge have been accurate. I, too, experience this kind of manifestation. Recently, while praying for a person, I spoke in this manner without hearing or seeing. It just came out of my mouth without my thinking!
Developing the Gift
As this gift manifests in various ways, it can be quite baffling in the earlier days of our walk in this gift. The Holy Spirit can reveal to us through an image or a vision, and at the same time, we can hear what it is, and sense the body sensation. You develop in this area by practice.
Recognizing these manifestations can be troublesome. We may get confused, wondering, “Can it be my thoughts?”, “Can it be my imagination?”, “Can it be my emotions?”, “Is my mind playing tricks on me?”, “Am I going mad?”. These questions can arise.
Only through practice can you develop this gift. Practice with friends, relatives, your spouse, mother, father, or siblings. As you share your revelations with them, ask them to confirm it. If it is correct, you will gain confidence. If not, do not worry. Through trials-and-errors, hits-and-misses, this gift develops in us. Continue practicing, and you will learn how to use this gift for the Glory of God.
Interpreting Revelations
The Holy Spirit sometimes initiates the Word of Knowledge in a particular situation. But often, we need to start praying for a person and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal. Another area we need to be careful of is numbers. When you see or hear a number, how do you define/interpret it? For example, you see – 52. It can be the age, year, or 52nd week. How do you know? Sometimes, we need to ask the person we are praying for. When we ask how they relate to this number, they may say, “It’s my age,” “It’s the age when my father died,” or “It is the year I was born.”
Learning from Experiences

A friend of mine had a learning experience connected with numbers! A girl who was to appear for an exam came to pray with him. As he prayed, he saw a number – 1. He told this girl, “You will pass in first class.” But when the result came, she had failed by 1 mark!
What is seen is not always what it means. We need to seek God’s wisdom to interpret rightly, or we can go grossly off-mark. Sometimes the Holy Spirit may reveal what it means a little later. When we ask what it means, He may reveal. If a revelation does not come or recognition comes from that person, be prudent enough to leave that revelation alone.
Handling Denials
People tend to forget past life incidents. But that does not always mean they are healed inside. Sometimes it simply means they do not remember! Many times, after long prayer sessions, maybe two hours later, or after winding up, they will remember and say, “What you said is true! Just now I remembered that incident!” While praying with others, these denials can happen. Do not worry about it. Instead, pray for that healing to take place; God does not reveal for nothing! There is one case I remember. While we were praying for a lady, she kept denying everything we said. Even though people deny, we pray for that revelation. As we prayed, we saw an evil spirit standing near this lady and whispering in her ear, “Deny everything!” Led by the Spirit, we bound that evil force. Suddenly she started remembering her past life and began to open up and acknowledge the things we had asked her.
Combining Gifts
The Word of Knowledge becomes very powerful when coupled with other charisms. For example, Word of Knowledge + Healing, Word of Knowledge + Miracles, or Word of Knowledge + discerning the Spirits. Such combinations make the manifestation powerful.
These gifts are to be used for the common good and for strengthening, building up, and advancing the Kingdom of God, not for bullying others or bragging in front of others!
Tuning to God’s Voice
Let your spiritual ears be tuned to the voice of God. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Begin with a desire and strive for this. The gift of the