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The Word Of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom is a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit; it is not a wisdom that we gain through our own experiences or the experiences of others or through much reading or much travelling or long living. The Word of Wisdom is different; it is given by the Holy Spirit as He wills. When we receive the supernatural wisdom and act upon it, breakthroughs will come. This Word is given for us to know how to respond in a particular situation.

The Wedding at Cana

“To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom…,” (1 Corinthians 12:8). Wine ran out at the marriage in Cana, a situation that could bring bad repute according to Jewish tradition. However, Jesus’ presence altered the situation. Mary, the Mother of our Lord, told the servants, “Do whatever he tells you,” (John 2:5). When they obeyed, the miracle happened. Jesus instructed, “Fill the jars with water,” (John 2:7), and as the servants obeyed, they witnessed water turning to wine.

The Red Sea Crossing

The Lord Almighty is full of wisdom, and the Word of Wisdom is imparted by the Holy Spirit. When the Israelites stood before the Red Sea, it was the Word of Wisdom that guided Moses. “Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to go forward. But you lift up your staff, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the Israelites may go into the sea on dry ground,'” (Exodus 14:15-16). Moses obeyed, and miracles happened.

Manifestations of the Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom is the revealing of some supernatural instruction or direction, revealing God’s will concerning any situation. This manifestation can occur during large or small gatherings, or while praying or talking to someone.

Example with Prophet Elisha

In another instance, one of the men in the company of the prophet Elisha lost an axe-head in water. The prophet asked, “Where did it fall?” (2 Kings 6:6). Elisha then cut off a stick, threw it into the water, and made the iron float. The man retrieved the axe-head, demonstrating God’s wisdom guiding the prophet.

Practical Applications of the Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom can come through various means such as the audible voice, visions, dreams, the Bible, or the still voice of the Holy Spirit. It can also be received from spiritual books, others’ testimonies, or during sermons.

Personal Testimony

A friend of mine shared his experience with the Word of Wisdom. He felt oppressed despite many prayers. A prophetic friend advised him, “Read My Word,” which was a Word of Wisdom. As he read the Bible, he sensed new freedom and overcame demonic oppression.

Naman, the Syrian General, sought healing from prophet Elisha. The prophet instructed him to wash in the Jordan River seven times. Initially reluctant, Naman obeyed and was healed of his leprosy (2 Kings 5:10).


The Word of Wisdom is precious and powerful. When followed, breakthroughs occur, demonstrating the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. By listening and obeying, we can witness God’s miraculous works.

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