The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit. We do not gain this knowledge by hearing or reading; the Holy Spirit grants it as He wills.
“…and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit,” (1 Corinthians 12:8).
God possesses all the knowledge that exists within this universe. He knows everything and can convey this information to us through the Holy Spirit, imparting it into our spirit as needed.
Biblical Examples of the Word of Knowledge
The Book of Revelation

In the Book of Revelation, the Word of Knowledge manifests in St. John when he sees things. On the Isle of Patmos, Jesus reveals the condition of the seven churches in Asia Minor to him. Exiled and unable to know their state, St. John learns their spiritual condition through this divine revelation.
Prophet Samuel
The prophet Samuel also exhibits the Word of Knowledge. When Saul searches for the lost donkeys, Samuel tells him, “As for your donkeys that were lost three days ago, give no further thought to them, for they have been found.” (1 Samuel 9:20).
The Impact of the Word of Knowledge
When the Word of Knowledge manifests, it jolts people out of their presumptions, wrong convictions, misconceptions, or misunderstandings, leading them to open their hearts.
Breaking Down Resistance
This gift helps dismantle resistance built up over the years towards God, others, Christian values, and Catholic tenets. It stuns and catches people off-guard, allowing their hearts to open up. This divine insight sows seeds of faith into their thinking, crumbling their worldly mindsets and mental strongholds. They realize they cannot hide anything from the Lord.
Some are startled into realizing there is something beyond their worldly knowledge. Others find comfort and revelation in knowing God has watched over them, even when they did not feel it.
Creating Faith
The Word of Knowledge creates faith in people’s hearts. This gift identifies not only the problem but also its root. In difficult situations, it helps pinpoint the issue, emphasizing the need to address problems at their root rather than trimming the leaves. This scientific analogy reminds us that leaves will regrow as long as the root remains.
Personal Experiences of the Word of Knowledge
Breaking Curses
A man came to our home to pray. Previously worldly, he had converted and dedicated many hours to prayer and a Retreat Centre. Despite his spiritual exercises, he lacked real inner freedom. While praying, we discovered an active curse hindering him. The Holy Spirit revealed that a woman had cursed him many years ago. As we broke these words in Jesus’ Name, the man became free. A darkness left him, and his face began to glow. Friends recognized this change.
Identifying Debt
Many years ago, a friend attended a retreat at Divine Retreat Centre, Kerala, burdened by Rs. 75 lakhs of debt. During the retreat, Fr. George Panackal VC, the Centre’s founder, asked the crowd, “Who is the person with Rs. 75 lakhs debt?” My friend, shocked, raised his hand. He had told no one about his crisis. The revelation helped him overcome this ordeal.
Hidden Wealth
In another case, a wealthy man in ordinary clothes attended a retreat. Father asked him, “Do you always wear such tumbled-down clothes? Why create the impression you are not rich?” Startled, the man explained he wore simple clothes to avoid unreasonable money requests. This encounter led him to deep faith in Christ.
Present Knowledge
The Word of Knowledge reveals past or present events, never the future. In Acts 9:10-12, the Lord directs Ananias to Saul of Tarsus, providing specific details of his current situation.
Overcoming Addiction
My friend Jose Kumli, addicted to drugs, attended a retreat at Divine Retreat Centre in the nineties. During counseling, Sr. Hilda, guided by the Holy Spirit, revealed a hidden packet of drugs in his bag. This revelation marked the beginning of Jose’s transformation.
Leading to Faith
The Word of Knowledge leads people to believe in Jesus, recognizing that God knows everything. For example, my friend Sundar, from a Hindu background, struggled with alcohol addiction. During a retreat, Br. Aby George revealed specific details about his life, including a recent temple visit. This revelation led Sundar to accept Christ.
In certain cases, the Word of Knowledge succeeds where preaching does not, guiding people to a deeper faith in Jesus.