We are called to walk in the supernatural daily, embracing God’s divine intervention in our lives. Often, we experience the Holy Spirit’s supernatural grace without realizing it—through peace, love, boldness, or compassion. Yet, we may overlook these divine moments, taking them for granted. Let’s explore biblical examples of the supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
In Exodus 34:29, Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant. His face glowed because he had been talking with God, though he did not realize it. This radiance was a supernatural sign of God’s presence.

In 1 Kings 18:45-46, Elijah experienced extraordinary energy. As heavy rain approached, Elijah, filled with the power of the Lord, ran faster than King Ahab’s chariot to Jezreel—a feat beyond human ability.
Sustained by Angelic Provision
1 Kings 19:7-8 tells of an angel providing Elijah with food that sustained him for forty days and nights. This divine nourishment enabled him to journey to Mount Horeb without further sustenance—a clear act of supernatural provision.
Jesus’ Miraculous Protection
In Luke 4:29-30, the people of the synagogue tried to throw Jesus off a cliff. However, He passed through the crowd unharmed, displaying supernatural protection through the Holy Spirit.
Walking on Water
John 6:16-21 recounts Jesus walking on water to His disciples’ boat during a storm. When He entered the boat, they miraculously reached their destination immediately—an astonishing display of divine power.
Healing and Feeding the Multitudes

In Matthew 15:29-32, Jesus healed the sick and fed a crowd that had been with Him for three days without food. His compassion and miraculous provision ensured they were spiritually and physically nourished.
The Transfiguration of Jesus
Matthew 17:2 describes Jesus’ transfiguration. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became dazzling white. This moment revealed His divine glory to His disciples.
Stephen’s Angelic Appearance
In Acts 6:15, Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, stood before the Jewish council with a face that glowed like an angel. His appearance demonstrated the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit even in the face of persecution.
Peter’s Miraculous Release
In Acts 12:7, an angel freed Peter from prison. The chains fell from his hands, and the prison cell filled with light—a testament to the power of God breaking physical and spiritual bondage.
Falling Under the Power of God
Throughout the Bible, falling under God’s power signifies His overwhelming presence. In Acts 26:13-14, Paul and his companions fell to the ground upon encountering Christ. Similarly, in John 18:6, soldiers fell when Jesus declared, “I am He.” These moments show how God’s power can bring physical transformation.
In Revelation 1:17, John fell as though dead upon seeing Jesus’ glory. This overwhelming experience illustrates the awe and reverence God’s presence invokes.
Transformation vs. Resistance
When Paul fell under God’s power, he was transformed into a new creation. However, others, like the soldiers in Gethsemane, experienced the same power without change. This highlights how encountering God can lead to transformation—but only if the heart is open.
The supernatural work of the Holy Spirit is evident throughout Scripture, manifesting in protection, provision, healing, and transformation. As believers, recognizing these moments deepens our faith and awareness of God’s active presence in our lives. Let us remain open to the Holy Spirit, allowing His supernatural power to guide and transform us daily.