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The Amazing Holy Spirit

I am deeply grateful to God for baptizing me in the Holy Spirit. The difference it has made in my life is truly profound. This transformation has brought me closer to God and changed everything about who I am.

Before the Holy Spirit came into my life, I was living without purpose. But once He filled me, my life was completely renewed. I went from barrenness to fruitfulness. My once chaotic existence was replaced with peace and the sweet fragrance of His presence. Through the Holy Spirit, I was lifted out of the world’s noise and rooted in the Word of God.

Receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit positioned me in a divine place, one I had never imagined. His power began to move in me, and I started to experience God in ways I had never known before. His presence was with me wherever I went, guiding me in the right direction. I now understand that His plan for my life was something far greater than I ever dreamed.

In 1992, during prayer, I had a profound vision. I found myself in a left-hand-drive car, with someone else driving. As we drove forward, I saw a large overpass. Then, I heard a booming voice, “I have a mighty plan for you; prepare yourself…” The message resonated deeply within me, reminding me of the verse from Jeremiah 29:11-14:

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me, if you seek me with all your heart.”

When the Holy Spirit comes, He brings life. What was once barren in my life began to flourish. Where I had felt weak, I grew strong. Prayer became an essential part of my life, and the Word of God became vibrant and living. Most importantly, I discovered the joy of serving the Lord.

Understanding the Holy Spirit

From the very beginning of my journey with Jesus, I realized the Holy Spirit is not just an “it”—He is a Person. I sought to build a relationship with Him, learning to listen to His guidance and trust His presence. The more I engaged with Him, the more He revealed His nature as my Comforter, Teacher, and Advocate.

The Holy Spirit is the One who calls us to serve in His Kingdom. In Acts 13:2, we read: “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'” This reminds us that the Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill God’s purposes on earth.

As I grew in my relationship with Him, I learned that the Holy Spirit anoints us for a divine purpose. We are called to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. In Odisha, whenever I spoke about Jesus, I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit working through me, confirming that He was at the center of everything I did. He crowns Jesus within us, enabling us to glorify Him through our lives.

Intercession: The Heartbeat of God

At Gethsemane, Divine Retreat Centre, I came to understand the importance of intercession in the life of a believer. The Holy Spirit began to empower me to pray for others with greater intensity. For nearly seventeen years, I prayed day and night, interceding for people all around me. Even now, my prayers continue as I feel the Holy Spirit’s call to lift others before God.

Through intercession, I realized that we become instruments of God’s heart. The Holy Spirit stirs in us a passion to see others saved, healed, and restored. He teaches us to pray not only for our needs but for the needs of the world.

Our Divine Helper

One of the most amazing gifts God has given us is the Holy Spirit, our Helper. Jesus didn’t send an angel or a spirit-being; He sent God Himself to be with us. In John 14:15-16, Jesus assures us: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever.” The Holy Spirit is our constant companion—forever present, always faithful.

The Holy Spirit is an all-rounder! He is both within us and all around us. He teaches, guides, strengthens, and comforts. He empowers us for every task and helps us to walk in God’s will. As our Advocate, He defends us, and as our Friend, He provides constant encouragement.

The Incredible Story of Fr. Mathew Naickomparampil VC

The journey of Fr. Mathew Naickomparampil VC is a powerful testimony to what the Holy Spirit can accomplish when we respond to His call. Fr. Mathew, a priest from Kerala, had a strong desire to serve God. However, he knew that no amount of education or training could make his priesthood complete without a genuine experience of God.

When he was 20, while praying in a small chapel, he heard a soft, loving voice whisper, “Ask… and you shall receive the Holy Spirit.” These words, based on Luke 11:9 and 13, sparked a hunger within him to seek the Holy Spirit. Though he didn’t fully understand the importance at the time, he began to pray daily for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Three years later, at 23, Fr. Mathew had an extraordinary experience. While meditating in prayer, a shining sphere descended upon him and entered his being. In that moment, he felt a profound sense of divine light, love, and peace. This encounter lasted for about 15 minutes and transformed his life.

A Global Movement of Renewal

This encounter with the Holy Spirit marked the beginning of a global renewal movement. Through Fr. Mathew, millions of people came to Christ. The sick were healed, families were restored, and miraculous signs followed his ministry. The Word of God was preached with power, and retreat centers were established worldwide to reach those hungry for God’s presence.

What began with one man’s openness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance grew into an unstoppable movement. People from all walks of life joined, and countless lives were transformed. This is the incredible power of the Holy Spirit—when we surrender to Him, He can accomplish far more than we could ever imagine.

Let’s Open Our Hearts

My prayer is that we all open our hearts to the Holy Spirit. He is ready to fill us, empower us, and use us for His glory. As we embrace His presence, we will experience divine transformation and step into the extraordinary plans He has for us.

Let us welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives and witness the amazing things He can do!

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