The Holy Spirit is known through many symbols among the T believers of all generations. It is also recorded in the Holy Bible in many places. Understanding these symbols will help us in understanding the works of the Holy Spirit.
Basically, the symbols are wind, fire, rivers, water, cloud, dove, oil, mantle, seal, rain and wine. These symbols are the manifestations of the Spirit of God. As we ponder over and try to understand these symbols we need to keep in our mind that the Holy Spirit is, first and foremost, a Person.

The Wind
The Spirit of God has appeared many times as a wind in the salvation history of mankind as recorded in the Holy Bible and as record- ed in the private lives of many.
“In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the spirit of God swept over the face of the waters,” (Genesis 1:1-2).
If you ask me what the symbol of the Holy Spirit was when He hovered over the waters, I would say, “As a wind.” When God wanted to create something new, the Holy Spirit manifested as a wind.
When I wrote the book, HOLY SPIRIT, I LOVE YOU!, I was im- pressed upon, by the Holy Spirit, to open a particular portion of the scriptures found in Numbers 11:31 and write for the readers how the Spirit performed a creative miracle by bringing over 10000000 quails to the Israelites. Recently, while mediating that particular.
The Holy Spirit: The Thunder of His Power
scripture passage, I saw something that I had not noticed earlier!

“Then a wind went out from the LORD…” (Numbers 11:31).
Earlier, I had not noticed that the wind that brought the quails went out from the Lord. After that revelation, I checked the word ‘wind’ used in this particular scripture passage in the Hebrew language and I found that the word ‘Ruach’ is used. ‘Ruach’ is the word used for the Spirit of God.
In the book of Exodus, we find, “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. The LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind (ruach) all night, and turned the sea into dry land; and the waters were divided,” (Exodus 14:21).
When something new has to manifest, the wind from God, the Spirit, manifests. We find that again in the Acts of the Apostles.
“And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting,” (Acts 2:2).
This wind that hovered over the waters was a violent wind, the wind that parted the red sea was a violent wind, and the wind that went out from the Lord to bring in the quails was a violent wind.
As the wind is independent in nature; so is the Spirit of God. We cannot control the Spirit, but we can win His friendship so He will do what we ask or pray for; we can get into a position where He moves on our behalf.
The Spirit of God moves freely, unhindered by anybody, anything. He moves like the wind, flowing throughout the earth, accomplishing the purposes of the Almighty.
The wind is reviving in its nature; so is the Spirit of God. As the wind refreshes us when it moves, in the same way, the wind of the Spirit refreshes us when He blows on us or on our lives. He will be the breath of fresh air we receive when we feel downcast, when we are desperate, and when we need to be rejuvenated.
The wind is creative in nature; so is the Spirit of the Living God. “The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit,” (John 3:8). As the wind is creative in its nature, so is the Holy Spirit and the one who is born of the Spirit. When the Spirit blows into our life we will flow in creativity.
The wind is powerful; so is the Holy Spirit of God. As we learn to walk in the Spirit we will experience the power of the Holy Spirit moving in our life like a wind. When He wants to create something new He will blow powerfully into our lives and communities. As the flying kite is lifted high by the wind, so we are also lifted high by the Holy Spirit. Just as in the olden times, ships were run by the natural wind, so also in these modern times we will be led by the ‘Ruach of God.
The Wind of the Spirit contains the Glory of God and the Fire of God. The Wind of the Spirit will release Holy fire into the life of the believers. The Wind of the Spirit will bring restoration among Gods people. People who have become almost spiritually dead and barren will come to life as the wind of the Spirit will start blowing into our life.
We can sense the wind by noticing its effects; so it is with the Holy Spirit. We do not see the wind but we do see the effects the wind has on the things around us. In the same way, we cannot see the Holy Spirit but we can experience the effects of the move of the Spirit in our lives.
Reflecting on the symbolism of the Holy Spirit as wind, what aspects of the Spirit’s nature resonate most with you? How can understanding this symbolism enhance your spiritual journey and relationship with God?