Stewarding the Charisms, or spiritual gifts, is as essential as desiring and praying for them. Guarding and nurturing these gifts is vital to ensure they remain aligned with God’s purpose. Mismanagement of Charisms has caused many downfalls in personal lives and ministries, bringing disrepute to the body of Christ. Understanding how to handle spiritual gifts is crucial for believers committed to their faith journey.
As we develop spiritual gifts, resisting the lure of material wealth becomes essential. Money often accompanies increased influence and popularity. However, St. Antony’s story reminds us of the importance of spiritual discernment. When tempted by material wealth during his journey, Antony recognized the deception and resisted. This holy boldness and simplicity are necessary to avoid financial distractions. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in each situation, trusting that God, not wealth, is your true inheritance.
“For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills” (Psalms 50:10-11).
Avoiding the Pitfall of Money and Greed

The desire for wealth, especially when it feels easy or “miraculous,” can be a trap. This battle is life-long because it’s a common vulnerability and an area that Satan often exploits to discredit ministry work. We must remember the importance of generosity and integrity. Tithing and seeking God’s will in financial decisions are crucial steps for anyone aiming to steward spiritual gifts properly.
Practicing and Growing in Charisms
To truly steward the Charisms, we must practice them regularly. This can be through joining ministry teams or volunteering opportunities. Engaging in prayer, asking for divine guidance, and practicing gifts like praying for others can build confidence and lessen fear. Fear hinders many from stepping out in faith, but embracing consistent practice strengthens our ability to align with the Holy Spirit’s work.
“Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son” (Acts 20:28).
The Charisms are perfect, but those operating them are not. Staying teachable, seeking correction, and accepting spiritual authority can guide us in practicing these gifts responsibly. Respecting church leaders, regardless of their personal experiences or giftings, shows maturity and wisdom in handling the Charisms.
Avoiding Favoritism and Embracing Compassion
True ministry values all people equally, without favoritism. Serving everyone, regardless of status or wealth, reflects the love of Christ. Sometimes, those who seem unworthy of our time may eventually transform through prayer and compassion.
“My brothers and sisters, do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?” (James 2:1)
Developing Character Alongside Charisms
Manifesting Charisms is only part of the journey. Developing our character to reflect Christ’s nature is just as important. Believers operating in Charisms are called to uphold a high standard, aligning with Biblical principles. As we exercise our gifts, adjusting our behavior, words, and actions to reflect the characteristics of the Holy Spirit is vital.
Stewarding Charisms involves a lifelong commitment to prayer, humility, compassion, and integrity. By maintaining these principles, we honor the gifts God has entrusted to us and strengthen our role in the body of Christ.