Stewarding the Charisms is as essential as desiring and praying for them. Guarding these gifts is just as vital, as many have seen their lives and ministries falter due to mishandling Charisms, bringing disrepute to the body of Christ. Awareness and responsible use of these gifts is crucial.
“So with yourselves; since you are eager for spiritual gifts, strive to excel in them for building up the church.” (1 Corinthians 14:12)

Money will come, but the Holy Spirit calls for holy boldness and a simple lifestyle to resist its lure. Not every financial blessing should be accepted. The story of St. Antony teaches us about discerning the traps of material gain. During his journey, the devil tried to tempt him with a silver dish in the desert, but St. Antony saw through the deceit, rebuking the devil and continuing his mission.
Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in all financial matters. Money comes and goes, but God is our true heritage, not wealth. Remember, the cattle on a thousand hills belong to Him (Psalms 50:10-11). Our financial decisions should never compromise the integrity of the Charisms.
Avoiding the Love of Money
“People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money…” (2 Timothy 3:2)
Easy money, “miracle money,” and free offers can lead to ruin. The devil knows this and will use deception to tempt us, particularly in Gospel work. Staying vigilant is essential, as this battle is lifelong. Many ministers have fallen because they allowed their love for money to override their calling.
Through personal experience, my wife and I have seen that God provides in unexpected ways when we rely on Him alone. Learn to trust God for your finances, remembering that He is your ultimate source.
“…it is not the production of crops that feeds humankind but that your word sustains those who trust in you.” (Wisdom 16:26)
Practicing and Growing in the Charisms

To grow in the Charisms, we must actively practice them. Ask friends or family if you can pray with them, offering encouragement. This daily exercise will sharpen your skills, helping you overcome fear and enabling you to act in faith. Personal prayer is essential to discern the Holy Spirit’s anointing. Each person experiences the Holy Spirit differently, yet in every prayer time, His presence can be felt within us.
The Charisms of the Spirit are perfect, but we are not. True humility means accepting correction from church authorities and maintaining a teachable attitude. God has established leaders to help us grow spiritually; listening to their counsel builds a strong foundation.
As we minister, we must also avoid showing favoritism, treating all with equal love and respect. James 2:1 reminds us, “Do you with your acts of favoritism really believe in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ?”
Developing Christ-like Character
As the Charisms grow within us, so must our character. Striving for a heavenly standard aligns us with the Spirit of Christ, just as a doctor or senior officer is held to a high standard. Living by this Biblical standard not only preserves our integrity but upholds the reputation of the entire body of Christ.
In all things, let us seek the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, allowing His power to work through us for the glory of God’s Kingdom.