Experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives requires us to be led by His promptings. Throughout history, those who served as God’s instruments were people guided by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers and directs, revealing God’s purpose.

The Bible shows us the example of Jesus, who, “full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness.” There, Jesus faced temptations but emerged “filled with the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:1-2,14). This divine guidance is central to living a life that aligns with God’s will.
To truly know the strength of the Spirit, we must learn to say “Yes” to His promptings. Like Mary, who responded to the angel with, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word,” (Luke 1:38), we need to cultivate trust in God’s direction.
Learning to Discern the Holy Spirit’s Voice
Discerning the Holy Spirit’s voice requires practice and commitment. The Spirit guides us through scripture, the Church, and direct inspiration. As we tune into His voice, we access the power that God provides to navigate life’s challenges.
“While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them… So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia.” (Acts 13:2-4).
The Spirit’s Direction in Decision-Making
In Acts, the apostles received direct guidance from the Holy Spirit for crucial decisions. The Spirit led them, and this divine guidance moved the Church in a new direction. Such decisions were made not by human plans but through spiritual conviction.
The Spirit Can Also Restrain Us
The Holy Spirit doesn’t always lead us forward; sometimes, He restrains us. When Paul and his companions were headed to Asia, “the Holy Spirit prevented them from preaching in Asia” (Acts 16:6-10). This divine redirection ensures we are precisely where God wants us to be.
Quickening the Spirit Within Us

When God calls us to rise up, the Spirit gives us strength. We see this in Daniel’s story, where the Spirit led him to speak out and defend a wrongly accused woman. Moments like these reveal the “thunder of His power” within us.
Personal Testimony of Being Led by the Spirit
During the 2018 floods in Kerala, I experienced the Spirit’s guidance firsthand. As floodwaters rose, we were urged to evacuate. I prayed, feeling led to trust in God’s protection. My wife, Amala, slept peacefully, sensing the Lord’s assurance. Through prayer and listening to the Spirit, we were kept safe from harm despite the surrounding danger.
Relying on God in Perilous Times
In challenging times, knowing the Spirit’s voice is vital. We should seek His guidance and not rely solely on human assurances. The Holy Spirit’s voice is our source of hope, strength, and peace, especially when the world around us is filled with uncertainty.
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14)
Seeking God’s Voice in Every Season
As believers, it’s crucial to cultivate a deep connection with the Holy Spirit. His guidance is available in both good times and trials. By drawing close to Him, we experience His power and protection.