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The Holy Fire

The Bible describes God as “a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29). His very presence radiates fiery power that purifies, transforms, and sets lives ablaze for His glory.

God: A Consuming Fire

Daniel 7:9 paints a vivid image of God’s majesty:

“His throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and flowed out from His presence.”

This fire is not merely symbolic; it reflects His holiness and power. Ezekiel’s vision describes living creatures surrounded by something like “burning coals of fire, like torches moving to and fro… the fire was bright, and lightning issued from the fire” (Ezekiel 1:13).

Even God’s physical form carries this fire:

  • Eyes“His eyes are like a flame of fire” (Revelation 1:14).
  • Feet“His feet are like burnished bronze refined as in a furnace” (Revelation 1:15).

Encounters with God’s Fire

Throughout Scripture, people experienced God’s presence through fire:

  • Moses and the Burning Bush: God revealed Himself to Moses in a flame of fire that burned but did not consume the bush (Exodus 3:2).
  • The Pillar of Fire: As the Israelites journeyed out of Egypt, God led them with a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:21).
  • Mount Sinai: When God descended upon Mount Sinai, “the Lord had descended upon it in fire, and the mountain shook violently” (Exodus 19:18).
  • Elijah’s Chariot: The prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in a “chariot of fire and horses of fire” (2 Kings 2:11).

The Fire That Transforms

God’s fire is not just a spectacle; it is transformative. Jesus promised us a baptism of fire, saying:

“He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
(Matthew 3:11)

This holy fire has profound effects on our lives:

  • Purification: The fire burns away the chaff and dross, refining our lives like gold in a furnace.
  • Deliverance: It destroys demonic strongholds and occult bondages.
  • Passion for Souls: It ignites a burning desire to share the gospel with the lost.
  • Steadfast Faith: This fire prevents backsliding, keeping us firm in our walk with God.

On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples experienced this fire firsthand:

“Divided tongues as of fire appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.”
(Acts 2:1-3)

This divine encounter purified them and set them ablaze for their mission, empowering them to transform the world.

The Fire in Our Lives and Ministry

The fire of the Holy Spirit is the cutting edge of a believer’s life and ministry. It manifests in powerful ways:

  • Through Our Words:
    “The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire” (Psalm 29:7).
    God declares: “I am now making my words in your mouth a fire” (Jeremiah 5:14).
  • Through Our Eyes:
    A testimony recounts: “When I looked into the eyes of the man of God, they looked like balls of fire. A fiery power came out from his eyes and entered into my body, driving out darkness.”
  • Through Our Hands:
    The fire flows through our fingers and hands, bringing healing and revival.

This fire sets us apart, transforming us into vessels of God’s power and presence.


God’s holy fire is more than a symbol; it is a transformative force that purifies, empowers, and ignites believers to fulfill His divine purposes. It flows through our lives, turning us into instruments of revival and restoration.

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn within you, illuminating your life and ministry with His power. As you carry His fire, may it bring healing, deliverance, and salvation to all who encounter it.

To learn more about the power and fire of the Holy Spirit, read the book THE HOLY SPIRIT: THE THUNDER OF HIS POWER by the same author.

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