Introduction to the Gift of Tongues
On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit empowered the apostles to speak in various languages, allowing them to spread the Gospel to all nations. This miraculous event, described in the Bible, reveals the power of the Holy Spirit in equipping believers for their divine mission.
The Scriptural Basis of Tongues
- Mark 16:17b – “They will speak in new tongues.”
- 1 Corinthians 12:10 – “To another, various kinds of tongues.”
- 1 Corinthians 14:4 – “Those who speak in a tongue build themselves up…”
These verses highlight the role of tongues as both a personal edifier and a tool for global evangelism.
Personal Edification Through Praying in Tongues
Praying in tongues builds up the believer. As the Greek word ‘oikodomeō’ suggests, it means to construct, edify, or strengthen. This personal experience strengthens our spiritual walk with God and brings us closer to understanding His will.
The Miraculous Power of Tongues: A Ministerial Gift

- Acts 2:4 – “They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.”
This aspect of tongues serves as a sign of divine intervention and allows believers to demonstrate the power of God in a visible way. When used in ministry, the gift of tongues can break bondages, cast out demons, and empower believers for greater spiritual growth.
How the Apostles Used Tongues to Spread the Gospel
The early Church used tongues to preach the Gospel across the world. People from different nations heard the apostles speak in their own native tongues, a sign of God’s miraculous power at work. The gift of tongues provided an avenue for effective evangelism in the early Church.
Personal Testimonies of Tongues in Action
- One woman found her spiritual vision and hearing enhanced after praying in tongues for a year.
- Brother Colin Calmino shared how his ministry grew more powerful after embracing tongues in his prayer life.
The Role of Tongues in Breaking Spiritual Barriers
Ministerial tongues go beyond personal edification; they serve to demonstrate God’s power. As believers speak in tongues, they can see bondages broken and spiritual barriers lifted. Several ministers have shared how speaking in tongues during prayer or healing services has led to breakthroughs, deliverance, and spiritual empowerment.

The Gift of Speaking in Foreign Languages
Some have experienced the miraculous gift of speaking in languages they had never learned, as exemplified by St. Dominic, who spoke German while on a mission trip. This serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities of God’s power.
The Gift of Writing in Unknown Tongues
In addition to verbal tongues, some believers may also experience the gift of writing in unknown languages. As prompted by the Holy Spirit, this gift provides insight and revelation, often requiring interpretation by someone with the gift of discernment.
Conclusion: Embracing the Gift of Tongues in Our Spiritual Walk
Desiring the gift of tongues allows believers to experience a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit, equipping them for both personal edification and ministry. Whether speaking in unknown languages or writing in tongues, these gifts empower us to walk boldly in our divine calling.