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Baptism Of The Holy Spirit


The baptism of the Holy Spirit brings liveliness and power to the Christian life. It provides strength and makes life in the Spirit tangible.

Jesus’ Promise

this experience in Luke 24:49: “I am sending upon you the promise of the Father.” This promise applies to every believer and remains relevant today. St. Peter affirmed this in Acts 2:39, saying it is for everyone whom God calls.

Different Terms

People refer to this experience as the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the infilling of the Spirit, or being filled with the . This experience was crucial for the saints of old and is equally vital for us today. Jesus said in Acts 1:8, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.”

St. Philip Neri’s Experience

For instance, St. Philip Neri experienced the infilling of the powerfully. His biographer described how a globe of fire entered his mouth and lodged in his chest, filling him with an overwhelming fire of love. He felt a swelling by his heart but no pain, only joy.

Transformation and Empowerment

The Holy Spirit saturates, wraps, and seals believers through baptism. Consequently, this experience brings empowerment and a powerful sense of the Holy Spirit within.

Fr. Mathew Naikomparambil VC’s Testimony

Similarly, Fr. Mathew Naikomparambil VC described his decisive infilling with the Holy Spirit. In 1966, he heard a soft whisper urging him to ask for the Holy Spirit. Initially, he did not take it seriously. In September 1970, while praying in the chapel, he experienced a heavenly light entering him. This experience repeated three times over six months, filling him with heavenly ecstasy.

Impact on the Kerala Catholic Church

This baptism transformed Fr. Mathew’s life and ministry, empowering him and others in the Kerala Catholic Church. As a result, ordinary people became powerful soul-winners, and retreat centers opened worldwide, bringing many to Christ.


In conclusion, the promise of the Holy Spirit’s baptism is for all of us. As we hunger and thirst to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we will experience this decisive infilling. There is no substitute for this experience. By continually coming, the Holy Spirit ushers in the “last days,” the time of the Church and the Kingdom, already inherited though not yet consummated.

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