We need to learn to recognize the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. His presence is evident in our day-to-day activities, guiding us toward confidence and strength. Since the Holy Spirit is God and a Person, we can discern His work in our lives.
Signs of the Holy Spirit at Work
When we travel, we often see signs that say, “Men at Work.” These signs prompt us to be careful. Similarly, when we sense the Holy Spirit working among us, we gain confidence and assurance.
Once, while traveling with a friend in an old car during heavy rain, visibility was low, and the brakes barely worked. In that moment, I felt as if the car was in God’s hands. This realization brought peace and confidence—just as recognizing the Spirit’s presence in our lives can bring assurance.
“And they went out and proclaimed the good news everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that accompanied it.” — Mark 16:20
The early disciples were strengthened by recognizing the Lord working among them. Likewise, when we discern the Holy Spirit’s presence, we gain confidence in our actions.
Experiencing the Holy Spirit
A few weeks before my wedding, I informed my friends in Odisha. They were thrilled and congratulated me, but when Dorris didi said, “Congratulations,” I was overwhelmed by God’s power from head to toe. That moment confirmed that the Holy Spirit was actively involved in my marriage. Throughout my wedding preparations, I sensed God’s presence, assuring me that the timing was perfect. Such experiences help us recognize the Spirit at work.

How to Respond to the Holy Spirit
- Give Him Freedom
Cooperate with the Holy Spirit by following His promptings and taking steps led by Him. Speak words that align with His will.In Acts 15:16, the apostles gathered to discuss whether Gentiles needed to be circumcised to be saved. Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and James testified about the Holy Spirit’s work among the Gentiles, concluding:“Therefore, I have reached the decision that we should not trouble those Gentiles who are turning to God.” — Acts 15:19They acknowledged the Spirit’s work and allowed it to continue. - Do Not Hinder His Work
Avoid opposing the Spirit through pride, jealousy, or judgmental attitudes. When the Israelites rebelled against Moses, they resisted not just him but God’s Spirit.“Now Korah… along with 250 Israelite leaders, confronted Moses and Aaron, saying, ‘Why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the Lord?'” — Numbers 16:1-4Despite witnessing God’s power in Moses’ life, they let jealousy and pride blind them. Similarly, Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, leading to God’s judgment.“Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also? And the Lord heard it.” — Numbers 12:1-10Miriam was struck with leprosy because of her attitude. Speaking against God’s anointed can have serious consequences.
Recognizing the Danger of Opposing God
A true-life incident in India tells of a man who continuously slandered a minister of God. One day, his daughter became leprous. When he sought prayer, the minister, sensing God’s judgment, declared, “It’s a curse!”
The Bible warns:
“If someone sins against the Lord, who can make intercession?” — 1 Samuel 2:25
Jesus also warned against blaspheming the Holy Spirit:
“People will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.” — Matthew 12:31-32
Trusting God’s Plan
When Uzzah touched the Ark of the Covenant to steady it, he was struck dead (1 Chronicles 13:9). It was not his place to intervene in God’s work. Similarly, Gamaliel warned the Pharisees against opposing the apostles:
“If this plan is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even be found fighting against God!” — Acts 5:38-39
Blessing Those Whom God Blesses
Recognizing the Spirit at work in others allows us to receive blessings.
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse.” — Genesis 12:3
When we acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s work, great things happen. Let us learn to recognize, honor, and follow His leading in our lives.